ENGAGE project will work to advance gender equality and poverty reduction by enhancing women’s capacity to participate in the social and economic life of their communities. ENGAGE! will apply an asset-based, citizen-led development (ABCD) approach to promote gender-equitable change. This approach ensures that local communities, and in particular women, exercise ownership and control over social and economic development initiatives that respond to their realities and priorities.

ENGAGE! is a five-year initiative co-designed by Coady Institute and five partner organizations:

Christian Commission for Development (CCDB) in Bangladesh;
Self Employed Women’s Association (SEWA) in India;
Organization for Women in Self Employment (WISE) in Ethiopia;
Gender Training Institute (GTI) of the Tanzania Gender Networking Programme (TGNP);
and Centre Haïtien du Leadership et de l’Excellence (CLE) in Haiti.

Learn more at coady.stfx.ca/engage