Climate Resilient Structure.

Coastal Climate Resilient Infrastructure Project is a result of the Government of Bangladesh’s participation in “Strategic Program for Climate Resilience” (SPCR) prepared under “Pilot Program for Climate Resilience” (PPCR). It is being partly financed by “Strategic Climate Fund” (SCF) within “Climate Investment Funds” (CIF) intended to pilot and focus ways to mainstream climate resilience in development planning and management. Investments are from SCF, ADB, KfW, IFAD and GOB.

Main focus is improving rural connectivity, market services, water supply and sanitation, enhancing people’s safety during extreme climatic events, and capacity building for mainstreaming climate resilience and knowledge management. This will enhance accessibility of rural people to markets, increase economic opportunities and people’s safety in 12 coastal districts.

LGED has appointed CCDB for preparation and implementation of “Resettlement Action Plans” (RAP) of “Coastal Climate Resilient Infrastructure Project” (CCRIP) on January 19, 2014. Major activities includes: (i) Conducting Baseline Surveys; (ii) Socio-Economic Survey; (iii) Information Campaigns; (iv) Preparation of Due Diligence Reports (DDR); (v) Developing Resettlement Action Plan (RAP); (vi) Identification of Entitled Persons (EPs); (vii) Distribution of Compensation and Resettlement Benefits.